Lee-Enfield No. 4 MK 2, the Last Rifle of the British Empire By David Tong ![]() This lowly scribe admits to a fond admiration for things British, including black tea with cream and sugar, ales and stouts, single-malt Scotch, Triumph and Norton motorbikes, E-Type Jaguar cars and old Land Rovers. Call me an Anglophile if you will, I am good with that. As
a not-so-closeted history buff, the time span between the dawn of the
Industrial Revolution and the close of the Second World War holds a particular
interest for me. One might cogently argue that this period saw the greatest
leap in the application of technology and the mass-produced machine age. Yet
the Brits, for a period of over seventy years, clung to one rifle whose basic
design did not significantly change between the reign of Queen Victoria and the
end of the Korean War. This
rifle is, of course, the Lee-Enfield. As a typical late nineteenth-century
design, it was produced from machined forgings. The .303 caliber cartridge it
fired used a rimmed case and was initially loaded with black powder. James
Paris Lee, ex-pat Canadian turned American, designed the piece in the late
1870's. The engineers at Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock, England made
minor changes to it over time, from the earlier Lee-Metford design with its
shallow rifling, to the Enfield, with its deeper rifling to handle the early
hot-burning �Cordite� smokeless propellant that was soon adopted. Smaller
changes in stock �furniture,� sighting equipment and barrel length reflected
evolving thoughts about small arms tactics during the period up to the First
World War, when the Rifle, No. 1 Mark III* Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (�Smelly�)
was standard issue for Britain and her vast colonial empire. This
particular version was made in the largest quantities of any L-E and it
provided sterling service in the trenches, not least because it was among the
fastest operating bolt action rifles extant, as well as possessing the largest
magazine capacity. The former was a result of its rear locking bolt, which
shortened the bolt travel compared to front lug designs, as it simply has less
bolt to withdraw before a new round can be stripped and fed, plus its very
smooth internal machining. There
were a few drawbacks to the design. It is very labor and time intensive, making
it difficult to build in quantity under wartime emergency conditions. Many of
the smaller parts, such as stock bands and especially the nose cap/bayonet
lug/front sight ears, were milled from forgings, as was the receiver. The
latter must have started out as a three-pound chunk of steel before becoming a
finished 10-ounce part. The two-piece stock design was outdated from its
inception and rear-locking bolts quickly became obsolescent. The
trigger was pinned to the trigger guard, rather than being attached to the
receiver itself. This made consistency of the pull weight and its quality
problematic, especially when tropical temperatures and humidity swelled the
wood stock causing the fit of the trigger/sear/cocking piece to vary. The
round it fired, the redoubtable .303 British Mark VII shooting a 174 grain
bullet @ 2,450 fps, was a rimmed, gently tapered case with a minimal shoulder.
While this meant easy feeding and extraction, especially in the tropical and
sub-Saharan reaches of the Empire where its relatively low operating pressure
was an advantage, the round was not quite the ballistic equal of competing
rounds, such as the German 7.92x57JS (8mm Mauser), or the American .30-06. The
difference, however, proved inconsequential. The
advent of WWII found the British in need of millions of rifles once again and
the result was the No, 4 Mark 1, introduced in 1939, but not officially adopted
until 1941. This was a simplified weapon and used metal pressings (stampings)
for stock bands, birch (rather than walnut) stocks (thus ending a nearly 300
year history of the use of English walnut for military arms!) and somewhat
fewer and straighter machine cuts for the receiver. The barrel is also heavier
in contour and free-floating. More
importantly, the earlier production of the No. 4 incorporated a
receiver-mounted, folding aperture sight of fine quality. This featured a
300-yard �battle� sight for coarse work and a micrometer, click-adjustable (for
elevation only) small aperture sight mounted on an upright ladder with engraved
range markings from 200 to 1,300 yards. This sight, with its finer aperture,
has fine cross hatching on the blade face to cut glare and only the lack of
windage adjustment precludes it being called a �target� sight. This rear sight,
coupled with the standard fine front sight, means there is relatively little
target obstruction at long range. Further
simplification of the No. 4 during the war included deletion of this fine sight
in favor of a two position flip type aperture for 300 and 500 yards (very
similar in concept and execution to that of the early U.S. M16 rifle), stamped
sling loops and the use of an aluminum, rather than cast brass, buttplate.
There was also a noticeable reduction in external metal polish and black baked-enamel
paint over Parkerizing on all metal parts. The No. 4 rifle served well in the second world conflict too, although by the end of the war the bolt action seemed nearly quaint compared it to the German selective fire Sturmgewehr 44, the U.S. M1 Garand, or the Soviet Tokarev semi-automatics. However, the Lee-Enfield remained competitive with the German Mauser 98, Italian Carcano, Japanese Arisaka and Russian Moisin-Nagant bolt action infantry rifles. There
is a much-bandied about truism about the British, that they tend to cling to
older designs for far longer than sometimes prudent. Modern �firepower� tactics
have created the notion that individual riflemen are not very important on the
battlefield. However, I might point out that the marksmanship training the U.S.
Marine Corps provides is effective to this day. I would also venture to say
that most of the other combatants during WWII also did not advance their weapon
technology for the foot soldier. Such
was the case when the No. 4 MK 2 was adopted in 1949. With the Second World War
over and the need for the huge standing army gone, British government armories
reverted to better finish work and reinstated the adjustable rear sight on the
rifle, as well as the cast brass buttplate. However, the stamped bands and
black paint remained. Worthy of note is that, for the first time in the
Lee-Enfield rifle�s history, the trigger was pinned into the receiver, to
eliminate the variable trigger quality issues of all previous models. Indeed,
the smooth-faced trigger on my example has the usual two-stage pull, slack, then
a crisp release of some 4.5 pounds. This is adequate, if not outstanding, for a
combat rifle. My particular example of this rifle was built in the Royal
Ordnance Factory, Fazakerley, Liverpool, England in November 1954, just a few
years before .303 Enfield rifle production ended. It was replaced by the .308
caliber, semi-automatic Belgian FN-FAL design, manufactured in �inch-pattern�
tooling and named the L1A1. All parts that are serial numbered match, including the receiver, bolt and magazine. The bore is mint with no throat erosion visible. Many of these MK 2 rifles were exported to the U.S. civilian market as surplus in the 1980's and 1990's, often still wrapped in brown paper and drenched with Cosmoline. They are the Enfield to have if one wanted one to shoot, as their condition is far better than the average WWI or WWII relic. Shooting
it reminds me why I like these rifles so much. The comparatively low-pressure
cartridge means you can shoot a lot and not get beat up, as most of its
contemporaries will do to you. The fine sights and decent trigger makes
accurate shooting possible and the rifle is extremely reliable. Through
the area that was once part of the British Empire, the .303 round is their
�ought six� and all manner of big game has fallen to it. In Canada bears, elk
and moose and in India hunters shot tigers, bovines and antlered game with it. In
Africa it was, and still is, used on all manner of plains game. It remains a
popular cartridge in North America, Australia, Africa and the UK. By
the time the MK 2 rifle was issued, the fortunes of the British had changed
dramatically. Even though she was one of the victorious Allies, the ruinous
debts amassed during the war and the costs of rebuilding her infrastructure and
cities, plus the loss of so many gallant young men, meant that she could no
longer maintain her Empire. The British Mandate in Palestine ended in 1947 and
out of this was born the State of Israel in 1948. The Indian sub-continent
gained its independence in that same year. Britain relinquished her colonies in
Africa and Asia shortly after. The Crown Colony of Hong Kong remained until the
late 1990s, when it was absorbed into the Chinese Communist colossus. The
Lee-Enfield influenced the ebb and flow of the geo-political landscape as did no
other rifle of its time. It helped the Afghans defeat the Soviet Army and it
can still be found serving as a police weapon in India and wielded by Afghan or
Pakistani troops, a service life far in excess of any of its contemporaries. She
is a bit weighty at nine pounds and my aging eyes will not let me hunt with
iron sights much longer. However, for now, I can take to the field for the
elusive black tailed deer in the local forested mountains, or (with proper
bullet selection) bust a Roosevelt elk here in my home state of Oregon. The
rifle is also fun for target shooting and maybe it will pull a stint at some of
the service rifle matches held at my local rifle club. To me, there is nothing more alluring than practical history, the use of something that has proven itself for over a century. The sun has set over the British Empire, but the Lee-Enfield is still very much with us. Such a rifle and the places it has been will always warm my soul. |
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