Premium 12 Gauge Autoloading Shotguns in 2011 They are all new, or reasonably new. They are all expensive
and all of them have extremely recognizable brand names. They have all been
announced with their fair share of bravado, chutzpah and perhaps eccentric
wackiness, contingent on your point of view. They have been relentlessly
marketed to both Cro-Magnon man and the Aristocrat. They have been presented as
dinosaur killers, they all are either claimed to be �the best� or at least the
best at something. More than one is the fastest-cycling, more than one is the
softest-shooting, all of them are the most reliable and more than one is
offered only in highly polished plastic made by old world craftsmen. Many are lightweight; all will lighten your wallet. Most are
available in 3-1/2 inch chambers, most also claim to cycle what has long been
considered a twenty gauge low brass target load for various and sundry reasons.
Very few have wood stocks, but some have a plastic picture of pretty wood stuck
to a piece of not so pretty wood beneath. Not only are they often presented as
recoiless wonders, they recoil so very little that they all come with
space-age, medically engineered, aerospace designed recoil pads just to be
sure. Not one has a steel receiver, although there are pieces of steel lurking
somewhere inside. Some claim to have written warranties, some don't. Many don't
have choke tubes that interchange with previous models, so you can't always use
the choke tubes you already have. Many of them have "self-cleaning"
actions, but also come with owner's manuals telling you how to clean all the
self-cleaning stuff. Here's an unorthodox look at autoloaders of 2011. BERETTA A391 URIKA II The Beretta 391 Urika II almost didn't get included, as it
isn't that new. There are a couple reasons for its inclusion. It appears to be
the last of the �300 series� Beretta's, the basic platform of which has been
extended and copied ever since the Beretta 300 appeared back before
electricity, or in the form of the AL-1 somewhere around 1969. That is,
apparently, when the 500 years of passion in gas-operated aluminum shotguns
started. It is more like forty years of experience with gas autoloaders, but
rounding it off to 500 years makes it sound a bit better. One qualified,
independent view of reliability and durability was a little 100
million shell (or so) field test that came out in favor of the predecessor to
this model, the 390, and well as the top choice, the Benelli Montefeltro. Those that appreciate the 391 will quickly point up that it
is the first choice among active target shooters today by a large amount, with
the rest of the avid clays shooters opting for vertical doubles. Those that
don't appreciate the 391 quite as deeply will cite the early teething problems
such as bad recoil buffers, cracked gas pistons, the shell lifter problems
never fully resolved, and the incomprehensible design of the forearm nut as the
Rubik's Cube of autoloading shotgun features. In some forms, like the �Teknys,�
the 391 has had the dubious distinction of making the $2000 mass-produced
autoloading shotgun a reality. Though not a leap ahead compared to the 390 it
replaced, it has been quite a successful model. Jim, who uses the pen name "Seamus O' Caiside,"
has thought enough of his fellow shooter and the A391 to put it all down in a
book for us. Jim's book can be the difference between total satisfaction with
the 391 and total disappointment. Personally, I can't shake the feeling that
the 391 was never really perfected. The vast majority of them are extremely
competent gas guns and the 391 remains, in the opinion of many, the consummate
clays machine. BERETTA A391 XTREMA II The Beretta A391 Xtrema is inexplicably named after the
391, though the gas action of the Xtrema has little to do with the 300 Beretta
series. It is actually more of a variation of the Franchi 912 VarioMax 3-1/2
inch model, a gun that was abruptly discontinued, coinciding with the launch of
the Xtrema. The original Xtrema had enough nagging problems to generate the
Xtrema II with an improved trigger in short order. The Xtrema II is notable as
one of the first �any load any time,�
do it all shotgun attempts, though it is far more at home in the duck blind
than chasing pheasants or breaking clays. The rotating bolt gets some press,
though that was popularized long ago. The rotating bolt takes stress off of the
receiver, so the receiver can be made cheaply. Beretta has not introduced a
truly bad design under its own name in autoloading shotguns in recent memory.
It is perhaps the Xtrema more than any other gun that gave rise to the now
perpetual question, �Do I Want a
Kick-Off or Don't I?� The Xtrema II today competes with many competent guns
for a seat in the goose pit. Look at the A400 as a more versatile rendition of
the already versatile Xtrema II. BERETTA A400 UNICO XPLOR The A400 is a very clever design. Cheap to make compared to
its predecessors, it extends the notion of the shoot-everything autoloader, whether
that notion is practical. Despite the obvious economy of manufacture, the
liberal use of �heavy polymer� and the avoidance of high-grade walnut, the A400
#J4OUY retails for a breathtaking $1725.00. It is an impressive, cost-cutting gun,
though perhaps not quite as impressive as its retail price suggests. The bolt speed in the A400 would be considered excessive in
many designs, but the KO3 backstop for the bolt appears to have addressed that
potential issue competently. The fast bolt speed is what enables the use of
mouse loads without problem. Why exactly you might want to use whimpy 20 gauge
target loads out of a 3-1/2 inch dinosaur killing 12 gauge escapes me. However,
the A400 does function as promised with 7/8 oz. loads, although many other
models can do the same thing. BENELLI VINCI Of all the new 12 gauge autoloaders introduced thus far, I
find the Benelli Vinci the most satisfying hunting gun. One thing I've often
mentioned in formal reviews, which this editorial is decidedly not, is this:
Whether you say you love something or whether you say you hate it, you are
always 100% right. As the most innovative, novel and perhaps unusual of the
current crop of premium autoloaders, Benelli essentially got it right the first
time. There has been so little in the way of reported problems that I don't
think a Vinci II is in the offing anytime soon. Although I mentioned that not
one has a steel receiver in the introductory comments, the Vinci actually does (sort
of) have one, though perhaps not in the conventional sense. The barrel and
receiver are integral and they are both steel. The barrel of the Vinci is
essentially the firearm. It doesn't make barrel swapping economical, but barrel
swapping is not an economical undertaking for any of the models mentioned here.
The Vinci is among the most affordable of the new models and as close to �set
it and forget it� as can be had in an autoloader today. REMINGTON VERSA MAX What I'm about to say might surprise you, but I think the
Versa Max is the best autoloading shotgun design Remington has ever offered.
That said, the credit for the disastrous, fumbling roll-out of the Versa Max
goes to Cerberus Capital Management. Misrepresented, slow in arriving and
followed immediately with a safety recall, it is difficult to pin that level of
incompetence on Beretta, Benelli, Browning, or Al Gore. When I first discussed
the Versa Max with Chuck Hawks, proprietor of Guns & Shooting Online, his reaction was instant: �Great. Just what the world needs, another
overpriced ugly autoloader.� Alright, Chuck, there is that. More to the point, though, is what Remington has long
needed (regardless of what capital
management company owns them) is a modern autoloader that is
competitive. The Versa Max is a superb design. It should be, as it is the same
basic action as the Benelli M-4. It is so obvious, how could anyone miss it?
Perhaps the Beretta organization is wondering why they ignored what they
already had, but if you check the shotguns already mentioned, it isn't like
Beretta offers only one model of autoloader. You have three premium autoloading
actions under the Beretta name alone, the entire Benelli line and more
offerings under the Stoeger and Franchi names. So, yes, the Versa Max is a superb design and well-proven.
As for the always-entertaining recoil claims, the Versa Max is a no kicker. It
weighs a reasonable eight pounds, heavier than its competition, and weight
reduces recoil. Gas guns don't kick much and heavy gas guns kick less. Despite
its clumsy introduction, it is a very good design and should be around for a
very long time, if a few of the incidentals can be cleaned up a bit. BROWNING MAXUS The Browning Maxus was a bit on the slow side to arrive, but
it wouldn't be the first time the folks at Herstal Group weren't ahead of their
own predictions. By now, I've tested three Maxus examples with their new walnut
Sporting Clays model on the way. Of the three, the only issue I could find was
a cosmetic one: the recoil pad on a Stalker model wasn't properly ground. A
minor issue, if I had kept that specific example I would have replaced the pad.
All of the Maxus models I tested cycled everything down to the cheap promo
shells. Not strongly, not well, but no jams. That's better than they were supposed
to do, though, with one ounce the stated minimum limit. With one ounce or
better loads, they all worked superbly. As with the last twenty or so Browning autoloaders and
pumps I've evaluated, the triggers were on the heavy side. For me, a trigger
job is requisite on a Browning repeater these days. There have been a couple of
early issues. Some folks have noted trigger reset issues; a replacement spring
installed by Browning was the fix. There have been a couple cases of a snapped
spring inside the gas piston. Those were replaced at no charge by Browning
Customer Service. Neither are issues I have experienced or witnessed. The Browning Maxus is the softest-shooting of the newer
autoloaders with target loads. This shouldn't come as much of a surprise, for
the Browning Gold series has long been universally regarded as one of the softest
shooting autoloaders, softer than similarly weighted Beretta models. None of
the shotguns touched upon here is remotely a kicker compared to a fixed breech
gun of similar weight. What is an easy thing for me to say is that, in terms of
value, the Maxus is an astonishingly good one. While I'm quick to admit that
the price of a shotgun for a reasonably active hunter shooter is
inconsequential compared to the cost of everything that goes along with it,
three inch Maxus Stalker models can be had for $950 or so, with the current
bonus of $75 of free ammo from Browning. The 3-1/2 inch models start about a
hundred bucks more. The latest Maxus version, the Sporting Clays Walnut, has
some truly select walnut costs around $1450 and is, easily, the best-looking of
the new crop of autoloaders. The walnut and polished blue Maxus Hunter is also
a looker, at about $1100. Times change. I never envisioned the day when someone would
buy a Browning because he didn't feel like paying the cost of entry for a Remington
or Beretta. Conclusion Gas guns are dirty. The particulate matter in propellant
gases ensures that you'll need to clean your gas gun, it just goes with the
territory. Some folks spend more time carping about cleaning than it takes to
actually do it. If immunity from cleaning gas pistons is what you seek, you
might consider a Benelli or a used Browning A-5. Bruce Buck used to say that Benelli's might work under water. Bruce
corrected that stance for me at the latest SHOT show saying, with a twinkle in
his eye, �They do work under water.� None of these guns are limited edition, rare, or bespoke
guns, all are in circulation. For the same reason you try on shoes, pants, or a
jacket before you buy, take the time to shoot an example of whatever gun you
are considering purchasing. Shims and spacers can be helpful, but they only go
so far. They aren't going to change the safety position or the shape of the
trigger guard, they aren't going to make the stock or forearm thinner, they aren't
going to change the curve of the pistol grip. Just holding a gun up can be
helpful, but it cannot tell the full tale. Balance, swing, responsiveness, felt recoil; these are all
subjective, individual things. They combine to tell you whether you like one
model more than another. Whether you say you like it or say you hate it, you're
always right. The gang at your local shooting club will be happy to help,
likely a bit happier to help if you buy a pizza or pick up the tab for lunch.
Picking up a tab for lunch may be a much better investment than buying a gun you
later discover you don't care for. With Beretta, if you get a good one you will probably be
happy. I've had it both ways. Rather than joining the growing throng of �I've had it for six years and it never did
work right,� you're better off just sending it off to Cole Gunsmithing
and getting it fixed properly. Beretta never had a good customer service
department, but now they have given up the pretense, using �Service Centers�
instead of factory service. Thankfully, Cole Gunsmithing is one of them. Benelli will do a modest trigger job for you and Browning,
while having no written warranty, does a good job of supporting their products.
In any case, you're far better completely going through your gun and
identifying any rough areas today than waiting nine months so you can tell your
friends that a gun ruined your hunt. Doubling or pairing gas guns sometimes makes good sense, particularly for the �hunt of a lifetime.� I've always carried a duplicate or a back-up overseas, in Canada, Argentina, or out of state. It all depends how important that event or hunt is to you. Avoiding the lonely gas gun syndrome isn't that bad of an idea, depending on circumstances. |
Copyright 2011 by Randy Wakeman. All rights reserved.