Riflescopes, where do I Start? (A Starter Guide to Riflescopes) By Thomas Macarle, CEO Mac Arms LLC O.K. you have a
nice rifle. You look around for a proper scope, but don�t really know what to
get, because you are so overwhelmed. There are hundreds of different scopes out
there. You see numbers, letters, and different shapes and sizes. The intention
of this article is to make it just a bit easier to gather some information
about riflescopes. Where do you start? Customers
sometimes ask, �What scope do you think is the best?� I always tell them,
�Well, it depends on what you want to do.� Then I go into my informative speech
and relay common facts about scopes. Let�s start. First and foremost rule of
thumb, buy the highest quality you can afford. Types Basically, there are a
couple of types of scopes, magnified and non-magnified. There are of course
many sizes, shapes and colors but that is usually for design purposes and
personal preference. Magnification These are indicated in
the numbers of the specifications of scopes and usually printed on the box or
right on the scope itself. There are variable magnification scopes, set
magnification scopes and non-magnification scopes. For example, a common 3-9x40mm
scope is letting you know that the range of magnification is adjustable from
�3� times magnification to �9� times magnification. The �40� is usually
expressed in millimeters and is the diameter of the objective lens (front lens of
the scope). Another example would
be 1x29mm. This would indicate unity magnification (no magnification, or normal
size) and the objective lens diameter is 29 millimeters. There are several
different ranges in these numbers. From magnification of 1 to 40 times plus,
with objective lens diameters from about 20mm up to an incredible 75mm. Generally,
for most individual needs a 3-9x magnification is fine. What do these numbers
mean for performance? Here are a couple of things to start. No magnification to
small magnification (generally about 1x to 3x) benefits: �
light transmission. �
field of view. (How much area you can see through the scope.) �
smaller scope, thus lighter in weight and less bulky. Light transmission Good quality scopes
mean, among other things, good light transmission. Light transmission is how
much light is transferring through the lenses to the eye. 100% is not
obtainable, since some light is lost at every air to glass surface. 95% plus light
transmission is excellent, with most scopes averaging around 90% or so. This is
usually nothing more than quality of lenses and lens coatings. Lenses are
coated with different quality of coatings, which may add to better light
transmission and durability. They are also different processes of coatings: �
lenses - Usually only the outside of the front (objective) and back (ocular) lenses
are coated. �
coated lenses - Both sides of each lens element is coated. �
lenses - Multiple coating layers on the outside of the objective and ocular lenses;
internal lens surfaces usually receive a single layer coating. �
multi-coated lenses - Multiple layers on both sides of each lens element. Field of View (F.O.V.) Fields of view is
nothing more than how much of the scene (surroundings) you can observe through
your scope. The field of view change with magnification, becoming smaller as the
magnification increases. In other words, as you increase the magnification of
the scope, the less area you can observe. F.O.V. is usually expressed in feet,
yards or meters at a reference distance, or in degrees. For example, a F.O.V.
of 24 feet at 100 yards means that when viewing at 100 yards you can see 24
feet across of the surroundings. F.O.V. in degrees is indicating how wide a "slice"
of the world you can see through your scope. The degrees remain the same at any
distance. Eye relief Eye relief is a simple
measurement usually expressed in inches or millimeters. This is the distance
from your eye to the eyepiece (ocular lens) of the scope. This is very important
in riflescopes, as rifles recoil, shoving the scope toward your eye and you
don't want the scope to hit you in the eye. Most scopes have around three
inches of eye relief, which is fine for light kicking rifles (rimfires, .223
and .243 caliber, for example) and some can go as much as five inches (useful
for elephant rifles). Four inches is considered fine for most common calibers
(.270, .30-06, .308, .300 Magnum, etc.). The point being you need a scope with
more eye relief on hard kicking rifles to prevent a nice black and blue shiner. Minute of Angle (MOA) Minute of angle or arc
is a measurement in degrees. Basically, there are 360 degrees in a circle. One
minute of arc (1 MOA) is equal to 1/60 degree. MOA is usually how your scope's
windage and elevation adjustments are calibrated. One MOA subtends 1.047 inches
at 100 yards. (One MOA equals one inch at 100 yards, two inches at 200 yards,
etc. for practical purposes.) Once you have determined your rifles point of
bullet impact, you can adjust your scope so many �clicks� (MOA or fractions
there of) to zero in on your target. Scopes can be calibrated differently, but
many use � MOA (� inch at 100 yards) or � MOA (� inch at 100 yards) clicks to
adjust for windage and elevation. Again, it basically means that for a � inch
click scope, if you click one time it will adjust your rifle to shoot � inch in
that direction at 100yards. Exit pupil Riflescopes are
optical devices. They use light to transmit an image through lenses, just like
our eyes do. Think of the scope's exit pupil like our own pupils. The larger
the exit pupil, the more light is transmitted through the optics of the scope.
The formula for exit pupil is: objective lens diameter in millimeters / magnification
= exit pupil in millimeters. Example: a 6x scope with a 30mm objective has a
5mm exit pupil (30 / 6 = 5). A neat way to get a look at a scope's exit pupil
is to hold the scope at arms length and look through it. The "light
pencil" you see through the scope is the exit pupil. Try a variable power
scope at low magnification and then again at high magnification and observe the
difference. More magnification equates to smaller exit pupil size, thus less
light reaching your eye. Exit pupil affects a couple of things. Light
transmission is less when magnification is greater. Also, the larger the exit
pupil the less critical you head placement needs to be when looking through the
scope. Parallax Ah, parallax. This is
always a little difficult for most people to grasp. Well, the image you see
depends on your position and point of view. Let�s try a small example. Look at
an object in the distance, such as a light pole. Close one eye and hold your
thumb out at arms length to cover the object. Then, without moving your thumb,
move your head a bit to the side. Notice that, even though the two objects (thumb
and light pole) are still in the same position, your point of view is now slightly
different for both objects. This is the basis for parallax. The scope's
crosshair can appear to be in a certain position when in fact it is not,
depending on slight variations in your head position. Parallax can affect image
position more for objects that are closer to you. Another example is to look
through your scope and line up the crosshairs on a specific point of an object
that is not at the distance for which the scope is parallax corrected. Then,
without moving the scope, move your head around slightly. Notice how the
crosshairs will move against the specific point at which you aimed. If a scope
has a parallax adjustment, it is used to eliminate the effect of parallax at
the target distance. Scopes without a parallax adjustment that are designed for
use on centerfire hunting rifles are usually focused by the manufacturer to be
parallax free at about 100 yards. Rimfire scopes are typically parallax free at
50 or 75 yards. Repeatability Target scopes should
be able to adjust windage and elevation very precisely, over and over, since
the scope may be adjusted during a match for the prevailing wind conditions. Hunting
scopes need less precise adjustments, because they are typically zeroed-in with
a specific load and then not adjusted in the field. However, their adjustments
should be reasonable accurate and repeatable to facilitate sighting-in. Meaning
that you should be able to adjust for windage and elevation and then go back to
�center� with the same adjustment in reverse. In other words, if your scope is
zeroed in and you adjust two clicks left, your next shot should reflect that. (At
least within the accuracy potential of you and your rifle.) Then, you should be
able to adjust two clicks right and be back to where you started. This would
suggest very accurate adjustments. Conclusion I hope to have shed some light on riflescopes and optics. Look for good quality scopes for you rifle, because top quality scopes give you the best possible optical performance, as well as greater durability. Economy scopes are usually deficient in one or more areas and often in all areas. If you cannot line up your sight on a target properly every time and hit it, then what good is shooting a bullet in the first place? |
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