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A Note to Our Readers: Sharing information is the primary purpose of Guns and Shooting Online. If you have information or an article that you would like to share on this website, I would be happy to receive your submission. E-mail to [email protected]. You will retain all rights to your material, and full credit will be given for all submissions. Contributors receive a free Guns and Shooting Online annual membership. Please remember that all of the documents on this web site are protected by copyright and are for your personal use and enjoyment only. They may not be duplicated, reproduced, or disseminated in any fashion without the express written permission of the author. Chuck Hawks, his agents and assigns hereby disclaim all liability for damages, including, actual, incidental and consequential, resulting from use of the information, data, opinion or advice contained in all Guns and Shooting Online articles. Use at your own risk and with all due caution. |